What to expect on a centre tour

A centre tour is the perfect way to experience your centre of choice, seeing a world where children are inspired to explore, learn and grow. We often have parents tell us that “the vibe” is the most important factor for them when choosing a centre. Upon walking into our centre, you may immediately know that it’s the perfect fit for your family; we encourage you to follow your gut instinct on this, asking us any questions you have along the way. We strive to offer a memorable and authentic tour, tailored to each family. If you would like to book a tour at our centre, call us on 02 9838 0380 today!

How many children do you have that would attend child care?

What age group is your child(ren)?

Days Required


Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Making early learning more affordable.

What is the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

he Child Care Subsidy (CCS) makes early childhood learning more affordable for many Australian families. The below guide should help you help break down how the benefit works for you and your family.

Eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) depends on a number of factors, including;

  1. How much "work related activity" you and your partner undertake each fortnight. The entitlement is based on the person who does the lower amount of activity.
  2. Your combined family income. The higher the income, the less subsidy you are entitled to generally.
  3. The type of early childhood education or child care undertaken.

For more in depth information, on the rules and regulations around the administration of the CCS please visit the Services Australia website.

Enquiry today


Please fill out your details below and
one of our friendly staff will get back to you.


Fees dependent on things such as the number of days in care, the age of your child as well as your eligibility for any government subsidies.

We recommend speaking with your Centre Director who will be able to provide you with a quote.

Little Explorers Learning Centre, along with many other providers in the sector, closes for public holidays. If your scheduled booked day falls on public holidays, fees will still apply as staff and operating costs still need to be covered.

The Australian Government's Child Care Subsidy (CCS) covers up to 42 absence days a year, which includes public holidays. Therefore, unless you exceed this quota, you will be eligible for the CCS discount on public holidays. You may also able to use our holiday discount on these days, provided you have given us the required two weeks' notice* (*conditions apply).

Yes, fees still apply for sick days. However, your Centre Director may be able to arrange a make-up or swap day at their discretion. The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) will cover up to 42 absence days a year with no documentation and unlimited sick days if you're able to provide a medical certificate or similar.

Normal fees apply for all absences (including Public Holidays) that fall on a usual schedule day of attendance. However, Little Explorers may offer a holiday discount and the holiday discount may be applied at the discretion of the Centre Director. Child care fee payments need to be up-to-date to receive a holiday discount.

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is available, offered by the Australian Government for which you may be eligible. To find out if you are eligible for this subsidy, visit the Department of Human Services website www.humanservices.gov.au

In 2018 July, the Child Care Subsidy replaced the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) with a single, means-tested subsidy.

The New Child Care Package

We have a Family Relations Team that is dedicated to answering all your enquiries and can walk you through the entire process, including eligibility, subsidy caps, calculators and more.

  • Phone: 8362 3000
  • Email: enrolments@activekidsgroup.com.au
What’s changing?

From 2 July 2018, there will be a New Child Care Package. The Package will help parents with children aged 0 – 13 work, train, study, and volunteer. The Package includes a new Child Care Subsidy, which replaces the current Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. It will be paid directly to services.

The new Childcare Subsidy (CCS) will
  • be simpler than the current multi-payment system
  • reduce out of pocket expenses for most families
  • be more targeted, providing further assistance to low and middle-income families

Child Care Subsidy Activity Test Requirements

Family entitlement to the Child Care Subsidy will be determined by a three-step activity test, more closely aligning the hours of subsidised care with the combined hours of work, training, study or other recognised activity undertaken, and providing for up to 100 hours of subsidy per fortnight.

  Step   |    Hours of activity (per fortnight)     |    Maximum number of hours of subsidy (per fortnight)

    1       |    8 hours to 16 hours                          |   36 hrs
    2      |    More than 16 hours to 48 hours      |   72 hrs
    3      |    More than 48 hours                         |   100 hrs

A broad range of activities will meet the activity test requirements including paid work; being self‑employed; doing unpaid work in a family business; looking for work; volunteering or studying. There will be exemptions to the activity test for parents who legitimately cannot meet the activity requirements.

Low-income families on $66,958 or less a year who do not meet the activity test will be able to access 24 hours of subsidised care per fortnight without having to meet the activity test, as part of the Child Care Safety Net.

If you don't meet the activity test and you have a preschool-aged child attending an early educational program (such as a preschool or kindergarten program) at a Centre Based Day Care service, you can access 36 hours of subsidised care per fortnight.

For the first time, families who currently use Budget Based Funded services will be eligible for child care fee assistance.

Annual cap (effective from 13 July 2020)

Your letter of assessment will note if you have an annual cap or not. The cap is not applied to all families and is dependent on the income associated with the claim.

If your family earns $189,389 or less, you won’t have an annual cap on your subsidy.
If your family earns between $189,390 and $353,680 your subsidy will be capped.
This means Centrelink will subsidise your fees up to the annual cap of $10,560 per child each financial year.
Note: the government will be holding back 5% of CCS paid to families until reconciliation at the end of every financial year. This balance will be paid back to families in their tax return if they are eligible.

What do you need to do now?

To transition, you will be required to complete an online Child Care Subsidy assessment using your Centrelink online account through myGov.

You will be asked to provide some new information and confirm your current details, including:
  1. Combined family
  2. Activity level of parents
  3. Type of child care service
A Family Child Care Subsidy Estimator has been provided to assist in working out the impact on your individual situation.  We encourage all our families to review this ‘Subsidy Estimator’ so that you are well informed on what this change means for you.

More information about the new child care subsidy can be found on the Department of Education and Training website (Information for families).


Let us help your child experience the love of learning the natural way.


(Under 2 Years)

Young children need lots of love and extra special care and our Infant Care program provide just that for under 2-year-olds. Each dedicated infant room is a comfortable place filled with nurturing surroundings and loving care. Our program offers each child one-on-one and group activities, gentle play and safe exploration. It is stimulating to the development of young minds without being overwhelming.

Each infant's needs are different, so we have flexible routines for babies under 12 months. There are areas for sleep, relaxing and personal space and the opportunity for outdoor experiences in the fresh air. Moreover, you don’t miss out on all those little things that happen each day, your child has their own personal learning journal that captures their journey as it unfolds.

Teachers in our infant classrooms are committed to creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere where babies can explore and interact with their environment and peers in the classroom. Teachers will encourage and assist the children on Physical Development, Language/Literacy, Cognitive and General Knowledge, Approaches to Learning, Social/Emotional Development and Creative Arts using healthy interactions with other infants and adults.


  • Bottles filled and labelled
  • Labelled sipper cup/water bottle
  • Sun hat/winter hat
  • Change of clothes
  • Cot sheets
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream


(2-3 YEARS)

For a toddler, the world is a magical place, full of constant learning and exploration. When caring for toddlers we help facilitate that adventure along with positive emotional guidance helping them to understand the boundaries of their independence.

We help provide structure to little lives through a consistent routine, which includes free play, structured play, group times for music and language, and outdoor experiences. Our encouraging and nurturing staff are sensitive to the individual needs of each toddler’s social and emotional development. In addition, each child has their own personal learning journal, which helps you follow them on their exciting journey of self-discovery.

Teachers in our toddler classrooms focus on self-soothing and self-regulation techniques, promoting independence, motor-skill development and coordination. Curiosity and imagination are where the learning begins. The teacher will assess the children daily in the areas of Physical Development, Language/Literacy, Social/Emotional Development and Creative Arts.


  • Bottles filled and labelled
  • Labelled sipper cup/water bottle
  • Sun hat/winter hat
  • Change of clothes
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream


(3-5 YEARS)

As 3-year-olds start coming into their own, it’s important they have time and space to explore their independence in a safe and supportive environment. We help develop autonomy and an openness to learning.
We are aware that when a child first attends school, it involves a great deal of change for them and their family. To help ease this transition, our educators will always discuss starting school in a positive manner that reinforces a healthy attitude toward the transition and provide opportunities for discussion and reassurance.
Our curriculum incorporates school readiness experiences such as lunch box days, school uniform show & tell, and taking part in progressive independence necessary for big school. This is done over the course of their time in our preschool room, allowing children to grow, learn and develop in their own way with assistance. We don’t believe in a crash course in school readiness. We believe in adopting practices that are incorporated into every day that strengthen children’s readiness for school. 


Transitioning to school is such an important time and is one of the biggest milestones for children and families. Forming strong relationships between early childhood settings and schools before children start kindergarten assists in ensuring a smooth transition. This also allows for information sharing between families and primary school settings prior to commencement. As part of our Transition to School Program, our services host school readiness information sessions for families in the month of June and again in September. The information session not only provides parents with information for a smooth transition but also information needed in the decision-making process in sending your child to kindergarten. We will also provide information on how you can support at home, your child/rens readiness for school in conjunction with what they are learning at Little Explorers.


The NSW transition to school statement is prepared by educators with input from children and families. The NSW Transition to School Statement is given to your child’s teacher the following year. It consists of important information to help your child have a successful start to school.


Our services hold this very special event for our school leavers at the end of the year. Our Graduation celebration marks this special time in our children’s lives as we all come together to celebrate the end of an amazing year we have had.


  • Bottles filled and labelled
  • Labelled sipper cup/water bottle
  • Sun hat/winter hat
  • Change of clothes
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream